Many times it is seen that suddenly and unnecessary problems arise in front of you, your growth stops, health starts to feel bad, the arrival of money stops, family happiness and warp – the churning becomes different An odd situation is created that there is no way
All these traits are of terrible father faults or horrible phantom constraints and the treatment of this planet is not peace, in such a way, the only way to be the only way to MAA VANDURGA ANUSHTHAN. There is so much power in this ritual that any kind of sorcery, antagonism, antichrist obstruction, etc., can be suppressed.
This ritual is done even when there has been a heinous crime against the ancestors and due to which your horoscope is severely affected, in such a situation neither the Shraddha process is effective and only the only option remains to be performed by the MAA VANDURGA ANUSHTHAN.
When to do: The ritual of Mother Vanudurga can be done from the beginning date of any month to the date of the date, apart from every Saturday, even before the ritual can start, but it is believed that for the ceremonies related to Mother Bhagwati, Navaratri The time is best and its result is many times more.
Quantity: The ritual of MAA VANDURGA ANUSHTHANv is done from at least 3 days to 9 days. As per requirement, its quantity can also be increased or it can be repetitive.
All major rituals are completed in my care.
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