HARI OM, Negative Impact of Social Media
HARI OM Social media can be an addictive platform as we never get enough of using it and are constantly looking for ways to enhance its features. When we speak about the positive effects of [...]
HARI OM , Ancestors' Debts - Pitra Dosh It is true that ancestors' Debts/Pitra Dosh do not let us live in peace, which makes our life full of struggles. I will refer to this debt [...]
Hari Om How to Have a Healthy, Intelligent and Smart Baby Who's Full Of Good Qualities? What All To Do During the Pregnancy Period Itself , To Make Sure You Have a " Healthy And [...]
Astrological Insights and the Foreseeable Challenges for Bharatiya Janata
Karnataka results had not commented as current results were expected astrologicaly . Please note , these results will not impact Lok Sabha Elections in 2024 , yes one thing alarming is foreseeable ( human calculation) [...]
Vedic Astrology Not A Magical Solution
Vedic Astrology Not A Magical Solution Vedic astrology IS NOT MAGIC, it is a science that is based on mathematical calculations and astronomical observations. It involves the study of the movement of celestial bodies and [...]
Unlocking the Hidden Meanings of Rahu’s Placement in Your Astrological Chart
Rahu is a shadow planet in the Vedic astrological system, and its placement in one's birth chart can have a significant impact on their life. Rahu represents our desires, obsessions, illusions, and the things we [...]