Grah Dosha like Kaal Sarp, Kepdrum, Guru Chandal, Grahan etc.

All Vedic pooja performed under guidelines of Renowned Astrologer & Vedic Astro Remedy Expert Jaideepji

Vedic Guru Chandal Shanti Anushthan

This inauspicious Guru Chandaal yoga form when debilated or weak Guru (Jupiter) combines with Rahu. Different results can be seen due to this particular combination depending upon the house in which it occurs. A person can be very ambitious and self centred. suspicious nature. lack of gratitude, selfishness, extravagant & can be successful too. Tendency [...]

By |2021-12-26T06:26:46+00:00July 16th, 2019|Grah Dosh|0 Comments