Hari Om,
Why It Is Advised To Offer Water To Surya?
Surya upasana is being done from thousands of years back by our ancient Rishis , Surya Vansh kings / praja and so on . They even used to put Surya in form of Tilak on forehead.
When we give water to sun, from the height of our chest,forehead,and see Surya through falling water stream , then through the principle of refraction and reflection, 7 forms of light gets extracted from the normal sunlight rays which finally gets absorbed by our body, especially back and chest(both have the largest surface area on our body, and hence the absorption is maximum through this area ) .
Just like when a rainbow is formed in rainy days, the sun light strikes the droplets of water which are left in the atmosphere after the rain or during the rain.(This rainbow is caused by Sunlight being refracted while entering a droplet of water, then reflected inside on the back of the droplet and refracted again when leaving it.) Sun rays when fall on our back , all Chakras Are Energized , and thus helps us to be fit and agile without diseases .
These 7 forms of light gives strength to all our planets.(each planet signify, one form of light). Suray upasana done in correct way daily early morning , can cure lot of planetary ill effects .
Though we always have sun light, which have all forms of light as well as energy necessary for all of us to continue but, we do not get 7 forms of light separately. In fact for this very reason we wear various gems and for that we must have a medium which could bifurcate sunlight into 7 forms through the principle of refraction and reflection and water is that very medium in this activity.
Thats why the maximum effect of giving water to Sun can be experienced , when the native carry out this activity by submerging himself till the level of chest in a river or water body.As by doing this jatak is welcoming maximum amount of 7 forms of light (after the reflection and refraction of sunlight).
Those who give water to sun in an appropriate/correct manner (explained in earlier posts of Bhaiyaji ), EVERYDAY (especially sunday /raviwaar), always have an added advantage of having extra strength of light / fame and healthy life. This activity basically energizes the native for the whole day.
Whole astrology is based on Light/colors, Astrology is the Science Of Light. Understanding the working of light is Astrology.
Our ancient Rishi’s were great scientists, today’s scientists still have to achieve a lot to be there / in front of those great people.
Thats why the 1000’s of rules which we use in astrology, are based on pure scientific facts, modern day scientists would have to take 100’s of births to understand all the science behind the principles which we use so easily by the Grace Of God ,Creator Of This Beautiful Nature / World.
Hari Om