हरी ॐ , 

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केतु एक क्रूर स्वभाव का छाया ग्रह है, जिसका मानव जीवन पर अत्याधिक प्रभाव रहता है। यह तर्क, बुद्धि, ज्ञान, वैराग्य और अन्य मानसिक गुणों का कारक है। केतु को कष्टकारी और मंगलकारी दोनों ही माना जाता है। क्योंकि एक ओर जहां केतु मनष्य के जीवन में दुख और हानि का कारक बनता है। वहीं दूसरी ओर  जनम  में अच्छे  केतु के प्रभाव से मनुष्य जीवन में बहुत उन्नति करता है। 
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2017 में केतु 18 अगस्त शुक्रवार तक कुंभ राशि में स्थित रहेगा। इसके बाद केतु संचरण करते हुए मकर राशि में लौटेगा। इस वर्ष केतु के गोचर और विभिन्न राशियों पर पड़ने वाले उसके आम प्रभाव को जानने के लिए पढ़िये भैयाजी का  यह खास लेख।


केतु आपके ग्यारहवें भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। यह भाव आय और सफलताओं से संबंधित है। केतु के ग्यारहवें भाव में स्थित होने से सामाजिक मान प्रतिष्ठा बढ़ेगी। केतु के शुभ प्रभाव से बौद्धिक ज्ञान और धन में वृद्धि देखने को मिलेगी। यदि कुंडली में केतु का प्रभाव अधिक है तो कामुक विचारों में बढ़ोतरी होगी। इसकी वजह से नैतिक पतन हो सकता है और दुराचार की प्रवृत्ति बढ़ेगी।

सितंबर के बाद केतु आपके दसवें भाव में संचरण करेगा, जो प्रोफेशन से जुड़ा है। इस गोचर के प्रभाव से बौद्धिक ज्ञान में और बढ़ोतरी होगी। नौकरी से ध्यान भटक सकता है। इसलिए अपने प्रोफेशनल स्टेट्स को अच्छा बनाए रखने के लिए कठिन परिश्रम करने की ज़रुरत होगी। केतु के गोचर के प्रभाव से पारिवारिक जीवन में अस्थिरता बनी रहेगी।


केतु आपके दसवें भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। चूंकि दसवां भाव प्रोफेशन से संंबंधित है इसलिए केतु के प्रभाव से नौकरी और काम में मन नहीं लगेगा। इसकी बजाय आपका झुकाव आध्यात्मिक और दर्शन शास्त्र का ज्ञान प्राप्त करने और उससे संबंधित पढ़ाई की ओर होगा। इसके अलावा पारिवारिक जीवन में भी चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। आप परिजनों के फैसलों से सहमत नहीं होंगे।

सितंबर में केतु आपके नौंवे भाव में गोचर करेगा। यह भाव धर्म और विदेश यात्राओं से संबंधित है। केतु के नौंवे भाव में गोचर करने की वजह से आपकी निर्णयन क्षमता प्रभावित होगी। इसके फलस्वरूप अच्छे और बुरे की समझ नहीं होने से आप कुछ अनैतिक कार्य करने की ओर बढ़ सकते हैं। इसलिए कोई भी निर्णय सोच-समझकर लें। तीर्थ यात्रा पर जाने के योग बन रहे हैं। प्राचीन मान्यताओं और विचारधारा को महत्व देंगे।


केतु का आपके नौंवे भाव में संचरण करना पिता के स्वास्थ को लेकर अशुभ संकेत दे रहा है। आप धार्मिक विचारों को ज्यादा महत्व देंगे। इस सिलसिले में आप किसी धार्मिक स्थल पर जा सकते हैं। भाई-बहन की सेहत भी खराब रह सकती है।

सितंबर में केतु आपके आठवें घर में गोचर करेगा। चूंकि यह भाव रहस्य और गहन विज्ञान से संबंधित है। इसलिए इस गोचर के फलस्वरूप आध्यात्मिकता और जादू-टोने जैसी विद्या के प्रति आपका झुकाव बढ़ेगा। कार्य क्षेत्र में पहचान मिलेगी और आर्थिक लाभ होगा। केतु के आठवें भाव में होने से उत्तेजना बढ़ेगी और आवेश में आकर आप कुछ गलत करके कानूनी विवाद में फंस सकते हैं। स्वास्थ्य संबंधी परेशानी का सामना भी करना पड़ सकता है। खासकर बवासीर जैसे रोग से परेशान हो सकती है। चोटिल होने की भी प्रबल संभावना है। इसलिए वाहन आदि संभलकर चलाएं।

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केतु आपके आठवें भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। चूंकि आठवें घर का संबंध रहस्यों से है इसलिए साइंस, ज्योतिष विज्ञान और रहस्यमयी विज्ञान जैसे विषयों में आपकी रूचि बढ़ सकती है। शोध छात्र और अनुसंधान से जुड़े जातकों के लिए यह समय अनुकूल है। इस दौरान आप शोध के जरिए नई खोज और आविष्कारिक कार्य करेंगे।

सितंबर में केतु आपके सातवें भाव में गोचर करेगा। यह भाव बिज़नेस पार्टनर और जीवन साथी से जुड़ा है। केतु के सातवें भाव में होने से जीवन साथी की सेहत पर असर पड़ सकता है। पति-पत्नी में विवाद की वजह से भी तनाव पैदा होगा। वहीं बिज़नेस पार्टनर के साथ भी मतभेद होंगे। इसलिए इन सभी विवादित मामलों को धैर्य और शांति के साथ सुलझाने की कोशिश करें।


केतु के सातवें भाव में स्थित होने से बिज़नेस पार्टनर और जीवन साथी के साथ असहमति का भाव विवाद की स्थिति पैदा कर सकता है। वैवाहिक जीवन में भी उतार-चढ़ाव देखने को मिलेंगे।

सितंबर के बाद केतु आपके छठवें भाव में गोचर करेगा। चूंकि यह भाव शत्रु और सेवकों से संबंधित है। इसलिए आप विरोधियों पर हावी रहेंगे। वे छात्र जो प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर रहे हैं, उन्हें अच्छे नतीजे मिलेंगे। सेहत का ध्यान रखें क्योंकि आप किसी बीमारी की चपेट में आ सकते हैं।


केतु आपके छठवें भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। यह घर शत्रु और सेवकों से संबंधित होता है। केतु की शुभ दशा की बदौलत कानूनी और अदालती विवादों में आपकी जीत होगी। सभी तरह के विवाद और झगड़ों से छुटकारा मिलेगा। वे छात्र जो प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर रहे हैं नतीजे उनके पक्ष में होंगे लेकिन योजनागत तरीके और रणनीति के साथ पढ़ाई करनी होगी। गुप्त रोगों से पीड़ित हो सकते हैं।

सितंबर में केतु आपके पांचवें भाव में गोचर करेगा। इस दौरान बच्चों की सेहत खराब हो सकती है। आप विदेशी भाषा, धार्मिक ग्रंथ और रहस्यमयी विज्ञान जैसे विषयों को लेकर समझ विकसित करने की कोशिश करेंगे। दांपत्य जीवन में संभलकर चलने की ज़रूरत है। क्योंकि पति और पत्नी में विवाद और मतभेद हो सकते हैं।

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केतु आपके पांचवें भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। यह घर शिक्षा और बच्चों से संबंधित है। आपकी राशि में केतु की वर्तमान स्थिति से प्रेम संबंध प्रभावित होंगे। प्रेमी या प्रेमिका के साथ विवाद बढ़ने की स्थिति में रिश्ता टूटने की कगार पर पहुंच सकता है। आपके बच्चों की सेहत खराब रह सकती है। रहस्यमयी विज्ञान जैसे विषयों के बारे में पढ़ने की इच्छा जाग्रत होगी। आध्यात्मिक चिंतन से शांति मिलेगी।

सितंबर में केतु चौथे भाव में संचरण करेगा। यह भाव माता, स्वास्थ और सुख-सुविधाओं आदि से जुड़ा है। केतु के चौथे भाव में गोचर करने से पारिवारिक रिश्तों में तनाव पैदा होगा। आप किसी नई जगह पर शिफ्ट हो सकते हैं। नियमित रूप से योग और प्राणायाम करें।


केतु आपके चौथे भाव में संचरण कर रहा है। केतु के चौथे भाव में रहने से विवाद की स्थिति पैदा हो सकती है। माता की सेहत का खास ख्याल रखने की ज़रुरत है क्योंकि स्वास्थ संबंधी परेशानी हो सकती है। इसके अलावा विचारों को लेकर मां के साथ असहमति का भाव रहेगा और विवाद हो सकता है। परिवार से अलग-थलग पड़ जाएंगे। पारिवारिक तनाव से बचने के लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय काम में लगाएं।

सितंबर में केतु अपनी स्थिति बदलकर चौथे भाव से तीसरे भाव में गोचर करेगा। इसके परिणामस्वरूप अचानक आपके आत्म विश्वास और साहस में बढ़ोतरी होगी। सितंबर के बाद प्रतिरोधक क्षमता और मानसिक स्थिरता में वृद्धि होगी। आपके कलात्मक और खुशमिज़ाज व्यक्तित्व को सामाजिक जीवन में पहचान मिलेगी। एडवेंचर्स खेलों में अपने हुनर को निखारेंगे। केतु के गोचर से आमदनी में वृद्धि देखने को मिलेगी।

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केतु आपके तीसरे भाव में संचरण कर रहा है। केतु के तीसरे भाव में स्थित होने से आपको अपनी शक्ति और सामर्थ्य का अहसास होगा। लेखन कौशल में सुधार होगा। अपने लक्ष्यों की प्राप्ति के लिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा प्रयास करेंगे। मार्केटिंग सेक्टर से आने वाले जातकों को लाभ की प्रबल संभावना है। बीमार होने की वजह से भाई-बहनों की तबियत खराब रह सकती है। धार्मिक कार्यों में रुचि बढ़ेगी।

सितंबर में केतु आपके द्वितीय भाव में गोचर करेगा इस दौरान कोई भी निर्णय लेने और किसी को सलाह देने से पहले अच्छे से सोचें। अपनी क्षमता से अधिक खर्च करेंगे। ताजा भोजन करें और तैलीय, मसालेदार खाने से परहेज करें। भाषा पर संयम रखें और विवादित मामलों पर संभलकर बोलें।

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केतु आपके द्वितीय भाव में स्थित है। यह घर परिवार, धन और भाषा से जुड़े मामलों को दर्शाता है। केतु के द्वितीय भाव में होने से मानसिक शांति के लिए आप परिवार से दूर रहकर कुछ समय एकांत में रहना पसंद करेंगे। ऐसे कई मौके आएंगे जहां आपकी सलाह की ज़रुरत होगी लेकिन इन अवसरों पर अपनी राय जाहिर करने की बजाय आप शांत रहना पसंद करेंगे।

सितंबर में केतु आपके प्रथम भाव में गोचर करेगा। इसके परिणामस्वरूप आप लोगों से कूटनीतिक तरीके से व्यवहार करेंगे। सेक्स लाइफ प्रभावित होगी। आपका अजीबो गरीब व्यवहार देखकर लोग हैरत में पड़ जाएंगे। सेहत पर ध्यान देने की ज़रुरत होगी। इसलिए संतुलित भोजन और नियमित व्यायाम करें।

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केतु आपकी लग्न राशि में गोचर कर रहा है। केतु के लग्न राशि में स्थित होने से आप शारीरिक कमजोरी महसूस करेंगे और बुखार से पीड़ित रह सकते हैं। ऐसे हालात में आप मानसिक रूप से परेशान रहेंगे।

सितंबर में केतु आपके बारहवें भाव में गोचर करेगा। केतु के बारहवें भाव में होने से अनिंद्रा की शिकायत हो सकती है। अच्छे उद्देश्यों के साथ धार्मिक कार्यों में शामिल होने की प्रेरणा मिलेगी। आध्यात्मिक चिंतन की ओर झुकाव बढ़ेगा। स्वास्थ को लेकर सावधानी बरतें।


केतु आपके बारहवें भाव में गोचर कर रहा है। यह भाव विदेशी संपर्क, दोस्त और शयन सुविधा को दर्शाता है। केतु के बारहवें भाव में रहने से स्वास्थ संबंधी परेशानी हो सकती है। प्रेमिका या जीवन साथी के साथ भी रिश्तों में तनाव पैदा हो सकता है। आप आध्यात्मिक और धार्मिक कार्यों में रुचि दिखाएंगे। किसी गुप्त कार्य पर धन खर्च करेंगे। विदेश यात्रा के योग भी बन रहे हैं। मानसिक थकावट महसूस करेंगे इसलिए मानसिक शांति के लिए नियमित योग और प्राणायम करना लाभदायक होगा।

सितंबर में केतु आपके ग्यारहवें भाव में गोचर करेगा। केतु की इस चाल से अचानक बड़ा आर्थिक लाभ मिलेगा। सामाजिक दायरा भी बढ़ेगा और नए लोगों से संपर्क होगा। दोस्तों के साथ मौज-मस्ती करेंगे। आपके अच्छे और सौम्य व्यवहार को लोग पसंद करेंगे। अपने बौद्धिक ज्ञान की वजह से आप शिखर पर होंगे।

जनरल उपाय:

यदि आप केतु की महादशा और उसके बुरे प्रभावों से पीड़ित हैं, तो इन आम उपायों को अपनायें।

  • गुरुवार का व्रत रखें।
  • भगवान गणेश की पूजा-अर्चना ज़रूर करें। 
  • नौ मुखी रुद्राक्ष धारण करें।
  • शनिवार को काला सफ़ेद कंबल का दान करें।
  • पूजा घर में काला झंडा लगाएं।
  • केतु के बुरे प्रभाव से बचने के लिए झरने में स्नान करने की मान्यता है लेकिन आप चाहें तो बाथरुम में भी शॉवर का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।
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हरी ॐ 

The planet Ketu represents mysteries and is believed to lack its head. Hence, it is also popularly known as the South Node or the Dragon’s Tail. On the contrary, Rahu is also named as the North Node or the Dragon’s Head. Ketu is known to isolate one from the materialistic pleasures of the world and enhances their spiritual interests and pursuits. Ketu is an unaggressive planet and is always on the axis with Rahu. The most prominent feature of these planets is that when they are in the dominating position in one’s horoscope, they alter the way one thinks and perceives different things and emotions.
On 30th January, 2016, Rahu and Ketu entered the Signs of Leo and Aquarius respectively. They will be entering the Cancer Capricorn axis on 18th August, 2017 and will stay there till 7th March, 2019. 

Rahu-Ketu Transit 2017 – Major Breakthroughs To Take Place?

After planet Saturn, Rahu and Ketu take the longest time to complete their transit in one Sign. Thus, both these shadowy malefic planets have an extremely significant impact on our life trends. Both these planets are the representatives of our Karma and deliver results exactly as per our deeds; while Rahu signifies our future, Ketu denotes our past. When planets as important as these change Signs, major transformations take place in the world as well as in various areas of our life. 
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Unpredictable, sudden and unexpected – these are some of the ways in which both Rahu and Ketu function. When both these planets are operating, change will take place when you least expect it. Opportunities will come, when you are least prepared for them. All this enables us to go ahead and act on the basis of our instincts and to act immediately. 
Rahu and Ketu are mostly considered as ruthless planets, which are out there to wreak havoc in our lives and to increase our problems. But, we should understand that both these planets are the chosen ones, the divine forces which have been assigned the role of delivering results exactly in accordance to one’s karma and attitude. They do not do anything without a valid reason and logic. 
If both these planets are making your face troubles and complications, then it is because you may have committed some sinful or wrong deeds in the past birth/s. It is said that “Change is the only constant.” But, who ensures that change takes place? Who ensures that we are able to experience new and better things? Who ensures that we get rid of the old and monotonous? Think about it. It is Rahu and Ketu. Yes. While Rahu takes us towards the new and modern things, Ketu on the other hand ensures that there is a fine balance and brings and end to the things that are no longer needed in our lives. 
They are the planets which possess extraordinary power and incomparable potency. If both these planets are well-disposed in the Horoscope, then you can achieve tremendous success and marvellous benefits. Both these planets make us face our fears and enable us to become stronger, thereby bringing major transformations in our personality and psyche.
The upcoming Rahu-Ketu transit in Cancer and Capricorn respectively will have a different impact on all twelve moon  Signs. Bhaiyaji explains in general about this major phenomenon. 


Currently, Ketu is in your Eleventh house which is the house of income and achievements. Ketu’s position in your Eleventh house would make you more social and enhance your humour. You would notice an enhancement in your wit and wealth during this period of time. Influence of Ketu over one’s horoscope increases their sexual drive, often making them licentious and immoral. 

Post September, Ketu would move to your Tenth house which is the house of Profession. With this transit, Ketu would give you a highly creative brain but would make you lose interest in your job. You might have to work harder to keep up your professional status. Your domestic life is also expected to suffer in this duration .Ketu transit in Capricorn indicates a turbulent period in your career related matters. The road to success will be full of a lot of twists and turns. If you are in a position of authority in your job, then your authority may be challenged. Or, there are chances of facing problems with your seniors. Be careful of the politics being played behind your back at the workplace. Despite having the sincere intent, you may be unable to perform as per you real talent and potential. This may be because, you may be running low on motivation and you may not be happy with some matters in your office. 


At present, Ketu is in your Tenth house which is the house of profession. Ketu’s presence in your Tenth house will reduce your interest in your work. Rather, you might find yourself inclined towards reading scriptures and gaining philosophical and spiritual knowledge. You might also have to face family issues and disagreements with family members while Ketu is present in your Tenth house. 

By September, Ketu is expected to transit to your Ninth house which is the house of religion and foreign travel. Post this transit, you might feel that your decision-making ability has become blunt. This might lead you to committing unscrupulous actions as well. You will have to be very careful while taking decisions that might affect you and those around you. You might plan a pilgrimage during this period. You are expected to value the views and ideologies of the older era. Ketu transit in Capricorn will be a very good period if you have interest in  religion and spirituality. You will develop more interest in spiritual matters and will wish to research more and more about religion. You will be able to get answers to some of the issues that have been on your mind from long. Your higher intelligence will get triggered during the transit of Ketu in the 9th House. You will get the opportunities to set out on travels to places of religious significance. Your fortunes may fluctuate during this period and thus it will be better to avoid relying on your luck and rather put in more self-effort. Due to a lethargic attitude, you may miss out on some good opportunities. You will have to handle your tasks more efficiently to avoid any sort of problems with your seniors. 


Currently, Ketu is in your Ninth house. The ubiety of Ketu in your Ninth house might bring bad health to your father. You might have a preference for religious views and company in this duration. Also, you might plan a visit to a spiritual and/or a religious place. Your siblings might suffer from health issues during this period.

 By September, Ketu would make the transit to your Eighth house which is the house of mystery and deep sciences. This transit might invoke in you an interest for spirituality and occultism. During this period you might gain recognition and financial gains through these fields as well. While Ketu is in your Eighth house, you might be provoked to do offensive and illegal deeds. You might also have to face health problems such as piles. Chances of having injuries are high during this period. Ketu transit in Capricorn will bring unexpected troubles, so you will have to be careful. There are potential dangers foreseen, so avoid taking unnecessary risks. During this transit, your main mantra should be – “Safety first”. Be careful while dealing with sharp objects. You will have to ensure that any task that you undertake does not involve any kind of risk. As the transit of Ketu in the 8th House operates, you will develop a keen interest in occult, mysticism and philosophy. The Ketu transit in Capricorn will not be a good period for taking loans, so try to stay away from debts as much as possible. People may feel strange while dealing with your reactions might be somewhat eccentric. As the transit of Ketu in Capricorn operates, you will become more secretive and will not want to share much with others.

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At present, Ketu is in your Eighth house which is the house of mysteries. Current position of Ketu in your horoscope might invoke in you an interest for sciences such as astrology and occult sciences. If you are a research scholar then this would be an apt period for new research and inventions. 

By September, Ketu is expected to make a transit to your Seventh house which is the house of business partner and spouse. This transit might bear ill effects for your spouse. You might develop issues with your spouse in this duration or he/she might suffer due to health issues. The same can be expected for your business partner as well. Try to deal with these issues with patience and calmness. Ketu transit in Capricorn may cause problems in matters pertaining to health and overall well-being. Your ability to handle relationships may take a beating and you may face a bumpy path in marriage. The health of your spouse may also suffer during this phase. At times, there may be misunderstandings and heated up arguments without any valid reason. If you are into partnership business, then you are likely to face hassles and your partners/associates will not be cooperative in important matters. Avoid being careless and rash and guard your image well, or otherwise the public opinion about you may get negatively impacted. While the Ketu transit in the 7th House is operational, you may not get expected success in competitions.


Currently, Ketu is positioned in your Seventh house which is the house of business partnership and spouse. This could indicate to an increase in heated arguments and disagreements with your business partner and spouse at present. Your spouse could also suffer from health issues in this period. You might not be able to establish mental sync with your spouse and business partner. You might lose interest in your married life in this duration. 

By September, Ketu would make a move to the Sixth house in your horoscope which is the house of foes and servants. After this transit, you would be in a position to dominate your opponents. Those gearing up for competitive exams are expected to fare well during this transit. Pay close attention to your health as chances of you overlooking the symptoms of a disease are high.Ketu transit in Capricorn will prove to be an excellent period for you and you will witness various favorable developments in your life. Ketu will bless you with fearlessness and you will be quite daring in your approach. This will be a very terrible period for your enemies, as you will take on them in a ruthless and unsparing manner. While Rahu may create some illusions, Ketu will ensure that you are able to achieve the desired clarity through your own efforts. You will be able to get more success in your job matters and if there have been some issues pertaining to your employment, then you will be able to get effective solutions. You will be able to command more respect and honour . If there have been some long pending conflicts with some people, then the Ketu transit in Capricorn will be a good time to sort them out. 

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At the present time, Ketu is in your Sixth house which is the house of enemies and servants. Current position of Ketu will enable you to come off undefeated in any legal dispute or a court case. You are expected to have an upper edge in any arguments or challenge that you might face. Those preparing for a competitive exam are expected to pass with flying colours, provided they use a more focussed and planned approach towards their studies. You might suffer from a venereal disease while Ketu stays in your Sixth house. 

After the transit of Ketu in your Fifth house in September, the health of your children might decline. Fifth house is the house of education and children. During this transit, you are expected to develop a knack for foreign languages, scriptures and mystical sciences. Be careful as this transit might create differences between you and your beloved .Ketu transit in Capricorn will strengthen your power of intuition and will enable you to consider things from a detailed perspective. You will feel that your thoughts are getting clouded and are not moving as freely as before. There will be a lot of confusion in various matters and your power of grasping may decrease. While the transit of Ketu in the the 5th House is in operation, you will have to make sure that you do not give your enemies or competitors any chance to add to your woes, as they will be waiting just for the right moment to cause problems to you. Some unexpected troubles are foreseen for your children, so take good care of them. Also, their health may suffer. If you have been in a relationship, then get ready for stormy weather. Things may not remain entirely pleasant and you will have to face some emotional stress because of the misunderstandings between the two of you. Your creative skills may get subdued while the Ketu transit in Capricorn is in effect. 

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Currently, Ketu is placed in your Fifth house which is the house of education and children. Ketu’s current position might create differences in your love relations. There are increased chances of you having heated arguments with your beloved or breaking your love relation. Your children might suffer from health issues. You are expected to develop a penchant for mystical sciences and occult sciences. You would find solace in spirituality during this period. 

By September, Ketu would make a move to your Fourth house which is the house of mother, comfort and health. You might experience stress in your familial relationships. You might consider relocating as well during this transit. Practice yoga and meditation regularly. You might feel the paucity of peace, tranquility and happiness in your life while this transit lasts. lasts.Ketu transit in Capricorn may bring up issues related to land and property. There may be a constant feeling of dissatisfaction, regardless of the success and failure that you achieve. During the transit of Ketu in the 4th House, there are chances of emotional disturbances and you may find it difficult to express your feelings to others. During the Ketu transit in Capricorn, relations with your maternal relatives may get strained and chances of conflicts foreseen. You will have to take good care of your mother’s health. You may tend to a bit insensitive towards others’ feelings at times and this may cause some problems, especially with your partner. If you are into realty business, the path ahead won’t be smooth for you and you will have to be careful while entering into any agreement. The atmosphere at the home front will be somewhat volatile, so you will have to avoid being reactive. This will not be a good time for buying and selling of property. 

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At present, Ketu is in your Fourth house which is the house of mother, comfort and wealth. You can expect arguments and squabbles at home during this period. Health of your mother might need special attention as the position of Ketu in your horoscope is expected to bring complications. Also, you might indulge in verbal fights and disagreements with her. You might feel detached from the rest of the family and might suffer from inflammation. To avoid the stress at family front you might spend more time at work in this period. 

September onwards, Ketu  your Third house which is the house of bravery and siblings. With this transit you would experience sudden boost in self-confidence and courage. Your physical stamina and mental stability is expected to increase post September. Your strong, artistic and humorous personal will breathe life into your social circle. You might develop a knack for adventurous sports. Your finances are also expected to gain sturdiness during this transit .Ketu transit in Capricorn will be a wonderful period for you, and you will be able to experience a lot of benefits. You are likely to become more confident and adventurous because of the presence of Ketu in the 3rd House. Your health will also be good and your stamina and energy levels will be soaring during this period. You will be highly enthusiastic and charged up during this transit. During the Ketu transit in Capricorn, you will be able to experience higher level of success in your endeavors  If there have been some nagging issues from the past, which may have been bothering you, then you will be able to bring solutions. You may get the opportunities for short distance travels and adventure trips, so get ready for some thrilling experiences. You will be able to silence your enemies and give it back to them in their own coin. You will be able to get good success in contests. 

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At the present time, Ketu is in your Third house which is the house of bravery and siblings. This position of Ketu will make you realise your potential. Your communication skills and stamina will improve and you will put in more efforts to achieve your goals and targets. Those in the marketing industry are expected to gain the most. Younger siblings might suffer from health issues. You might be inclined towards religious practices in this duration. 

By September, Ketu will move to your Second house which is the house of family, communication and wealth. Be cautious while holding up conversations as you might tick the wrong boxes in their ledger. Thinking carefully before making important decisions or giving advices. You will be ergonomical and spend wisely while this transit lasts. Try to eat fresh as much as you can and steer clear of fried, oily, spicy and coarse food items. You might induce innuendos in your speech. To avoid getting into brawls try to be subtle about them . Ketu transit in Capricorn indicates reversal of fortunes in matters of finance and wealth. Be extremely careful about your belongings as there are chances of things getting misplaced or stolen. You will have to be especially careful when you are travelling as thefts may take place. Due to harshness in speech, you may face issues with others. Avoid being temperamental and try to convey your thoughts to others in a pleasant manner. During the transit of Ketu in the 2nd House, you may face health issues related to the ear, nose, throat section and eyes. Your appetite may also suffer due to some ailments in the stomach. During the Ketu transit through Capricorn, there may be issues with family members and there may be constant differences with them. Make your financial and investment choices with due thought, as problems may arise later on. 

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Currently, Ketu is in your Second house which is the house of family, wealth and speech. Follow your diet and exercise regime religiously as skipping your meals and workouts will affect your health adversely. You might feel isolated from your family and would find mental peace outside the house. You might want to stay mum on many occasions where your perceptions and advises would be required. 

By September, Ketu is expected to move to your First house which is the house of personality and mind. You would behave diplomatically with everyone and your sexual life is expected to get affected. Your mysterious attitude would keep people in knots.Ketu transit in Capricorn may prove to be difficult period, filled with a lot of confusion in various areas of life. You may find it difficult to take decisions quickly and you may keep feeling lost. On most occasions, you are likely to lack the spirit and enthusiasm to do anything and take the initiative. The feelings of detachment and aloofness might just get stronger while the transit of Ketu in the 9th House takes place. The areas that may suffer the most will be your career and personal life. Meeting deadlines will seem extremely difficult for you and there are chances of some important projects getting stuck. Your rivals and competitors may try to take advantage of your weaknesses, so you will have to be careful. The good news is that you may get a lot of opportunities to travel and you may get to learn a lot during the travels. You will have to take good care of your health as there are chances of health issues like fever and stomach ailments. This will be a good time for spiritual growth though, so make the most of it.


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At present, Ketu is in your ascendent. Hence, you might feel physically weak and might suffer from trivial health issues such as weak constitution, piles, fever and headache, which would keep you mentally disturbed. Your diplomatic behavior will be at its peak. 

By September, Ketu is expected to enter your Twelfth house which is the house of friends and bed comforts. This transit might give you irregular sleeping patterns and you might feel the lack of the comfort of your bed. You will be motivated to spend on religious activities or for noble causes. You will be inclined towards spiritual practices in this duration. Stay cautious as you might have health issues .Ketu in Capricorn will prove to be mostly beneficial for you apart from some aspects. During this transit of Ketu in the 9th House, you will be able to master the ‘art of letting go’. It means, that you will be able to realize that all things are not under your control and thus you will not try to exercise control on others unnecessarily and will gradually lower your expectations from others. Professionally, you are likely to face certain issues as others will feel that you are not giving your best. You will have to stay updated with the latest trends and update your skills. Try to take things more seriously and pay attention to details. Those living abroad may or planning to travel abroad may face some issues. You may also not receive expected results from your contacts abroad or foreign business ventures.


Currently, Ketu is in your Twelfth house which is the house of foreign dwelling, friends and bed comforts. While Ketu stays here, you might suffer from health issues and have troubled love or marital relations. Your inclination and involvement in religious and spiritual activities is expected to increase in this duration. You might spend on secret things and endeavours. Travel to foreign lands is also on the cards. You might feel mentally exhausted. Try yoga and meditation to keep your sane and balance self going. 

By September, Ketu will move to your Eleventh house which is the house of speculation, income and gains. This movement of Ketu would give your financial inflow a sudden and tremendous boost. Your social circle will also involve a few new faces. You would indulge with friends in leisure and entertainment. People would enjoy and appreciate your fun loving nature, humour and wit. In this period, your intellect is predicted to be at its supreme. Ketu transit in Capricorn will prove to be a beneficial period for you as there may be unexpected gains and gains from past efforts. You will be able to earn well during the stay of Ketu in the 11th House. You will be able to devise intelligent strategies to achieve all that you have dreamt of in the recent times and will be able to fulfill your desires. Your career prospects would improve during the Ketu transit in Capricorn and you will be able to achieve more prominence in your field of work. During this transit, you will be able to achieve good results, based on the merit of your past deeds, so it will be better not to take things for granted. You will have to keep putting in consistent sincere efforts, or otherwise people will think that your success is just by chance. There are chances of distance getting created between you and your friends, so try to be in touch with them. Do not let any sort of distractions affect your academic performance.

Few General Remedies:

If facing problems from Ketu, or undergoing the period of Ketu mahadasha, do few of the general upayes :

  • Observe a fast on Thursday.
  • Worship Lord Ganesha.
  • Wear 9 Mukhi Rudraksh.
  • Donate multicolored , black and white , blanket on Saturday to any unknown needy.
  • Hoist a black flag in your pujan ghar.
  • The perfect antidote to cushion yourself from Ketu’s agony is by taking a shower, not bath.