On January 08, 2016 Jupiter is retrograding in Singh Rashi till 9th May 2016. This planetary position is going to make changes in our lives. Bhaiyaji gives us predictions based on Vedic astrology to know how is this for your Moon Sign.
Mesh / Aries
Jupiter is retrograding in the 5th house of your Kundli. The natives of this sign are most likely to get what they want from their career. Jupiter retrogade will help you in meeting new people. Everyone will be impressed by you and you will easliy make place in their heart. You will be able to control your emotions and take firm decisions in your life. Arians who are from creative field and social personalities are going to have amazing time.
Virashabh / Taurus
The 4th house of your Kundli is taken over by Jupiter retrograde. You may feel unfixed during this phase. Things will be quite tough to get hold off and there are chances that you may have to give up the fun loving activities. The retrograde of Jupiter also suggests you to keep control on your anger. Take correct decisions to avoid any kind of consequences.
Mithun / Gemini
Jupiter or Guru is in your 3rd house due to which you will have to wait for things to be on track. However, this time will not be a bad experience. Relationship with your dear ones is looking a little less harmonic. Make sure you do not hurt anyone for your benefit. Even though you will be strong person, Jupiter retrograde might make you ruin your own work. Also you might go on trips which will turn in your favor.
Karak / Cancer
Jupiter is retrograding in the 2nd house of your Kundli which is getting amazing time for your life. You will earn good money due to your pleasing personality. The natives of Cancer are going to achieve great things. Seniors and colleagues will praise your great performace at work place. You can get appraisal and also job if you are looking for it. Enhancement in your skills and intellect is possible.
Singh / Leo
Jupiter retrgrade predicts that you might have to face shifting a place but may not like it. Ignore any kind of quarrel with people who really love you. Professional life of the natives of Leo may not be as good as they expect it to be as you are not giving your 100% in it. Avoid taking decision by being stubborn. Stick to your commitments to lead a happy life and try to save money.
Kanya / Virgo
Jupiter transit is happening in your 12th house due to which it may be a little tough from career point of you. You will face lack of money as you have not saved much for yourself. Make sure not to follow wrong path to earn money to ignore losses. Health might not be so well but it will be better after this planetary phase. The natives of Virgo are suggested to keep themselves alert from those who envy them.
Tula / Libra
The transit of Jupiter is in the 11th house of your Kundli. New ways to earn money will come to your life and you will be benefited. Someone in power will help you and you will get promoted. Your lifestyle will be enhanced due to this new earned position. People will realise that you deserve what you have got. Health will be better and you might succeed in buying something that you dream of.
Vrishchik / Scorpio
Jupiter retrograde is going to transit in the 10th house of your Kundli. But yes, remember that the natives are under the impact of Sade Sati of Saturn. Due to this, some of your things might get harmed. Financial life will be a little challenging as you are not able to earn more. Someone might use your name in illegal thing to harm your image. But it will go away just be calm and have patience.
Dhanu / Sagittarius
Jupiter retrograde is taking the 9th house of your Kundli. There are possibilities that you will get what you have been desiring. The natives of Sagittarius are going to enjoy this time of recognition. Senior position at you work place can be offered to you depending on your performance. Creative people will get chances to get fame and those who are into teaching field might get promoted.
Makar / Capricorn
As per Vedic Astrology, the natives of Capricorn are going to have Jupiter transiting from their 8th house. The married life of the natives might be a less romantic. There are chances that you might have to move to a new place for betterment. Someone at your office might plan strategies againts you. Businessmen will feel that there money is stuck somewhere. Grab the job offer even if you are not getting much paid.
Kumbh / Aquarius
Jupiter is retrograding in your 7th house which will make your married life full of happiness and good times. Singles might meet the love of their life and plan to tie the knot. The life outside your personal zone is also going to be full of victory. The natives who are doing business in partnership are going to enjoy this full support of their luck. You might get recognized position at your work front and the students will be successful in going for higher studies.
Meen / Pisces
Jupiter is travelling through 6th house of your Kundli which will have an direct impact on your professional life. Unfortunately this impact will not be so good but you are sugested not go for illegal ways to earn money or excel in life. Luck is not in your favor and you might even have to pay for other’s fault. Take care of your health and avoid indulging in useless discussions. Do the work related to tax to ignore any kind of legal issue.
We hope the predictions will help you live a better life.
हरि ॐ
गुरु सिंह में वक्री आज – आपके जीवन पर प्रभाव
ग्रहों के स्थान परिवर्तन का प्रभाव इंसानों पर पड़ता ही है, चाहे वह अनुकूल हो या प्रतिकूल। इसी बीच कल यानि 8 जनवरी 2016 को गुरु का सिंह राशि में वक्री हो रहा है। इस वक्री से किस राशि पर क्या पड़ने वाला है, आइए जानते हैं। हाँ, आपको बता दें कि यह भविष्यवाणी पूरी तरह वैदिक ज्योतिष पर आधारित है।
गुरु आपकी कुण्डली के 5वें भाव में वक्री हो रहे हैं। गुरु का यह स्थान परिवर्तन कॅरियर के लिहाज़ से काफ़ी बेहतर रहने वाला है। छात्रों को मनचाहा परिणाम मिल सकता है। यह वक्री समाज में आपकी मान-मर्यादा बढ़ेगी और लोग आपकी बातों की कद्र करेंगे। लोग आपके व्यक्तित्व से प्रभावित होंगे, साथ ही आप उनके दिलो-दिमाग पर अपनी छाप छोड़ने में क़ामयाब रहेंगे। इस समय आपको अपने गृहस्थ जीवन में कुछ एहतियात बरतने की आवश्यकता है, जैसे – भावनाओं और ग़ुस्से पर काबू रखना होगा। यह वक्री कला और साहित्य में रूची रखने वाले लोगों के लिए शानदार है।
गुरु आपके चौथे भाव में प्रवेश कर रहे हैं। इस समय आपकी ज़िन्दगी में कुछ अस्थिरता का भाव आ सकता है। यह अवधि आपके लिए थोड़ी कठिनाइयों भरी हो सकती है, लेकिन मौज-मस्ती के लिए भरपूर समय मिलेगा। हाँ, वक्री गुरु के साथ राहु के जाने की स्थिति में आपको अपने क्रोध पर नियंत्रण रखना होगा और सोच-समझकर बोलना होगा, अन्यथा विवाद की संभावना बन रही है।
गुरु का वक्री आपके तीसरे भाव में हो रहा है। इस अवधि में आपको कुछ अव्यवस्था का आलम नज़र आ सकता है। हालाँकि यदि राहु का योग गुरु के साथ बनता है तो आपके लिए यह समय मददगार साबित होगा। जीवनसाथी के साथ संबंधों में थोड़ी नरमी रह सकती है। इस समय किसी को ठेस पहुँचाने की कोशिश न करें, यह आपके लिए ज़रूरी है। वैसे पूरे साल आप प्रत्येक क्षेत्र में मजबूती के साथ खड़े रहेंगे। रूके हुए कार्यों के पूरे होने की संभावना दिखाई दे रही है।
गुरु का आपकी कुंडली के दूसरे भाव में वक्री होना आपके लिए किसी उपहार से कम नहीं है। इस अवधि में पैसों की आवक अच्छी रहेगी, साथ ही आपकी एक नई पहचान बनेगी। इस साल आपको कुछ ऐसे पल मिलेंगे जिनकी तलाश आप काफ़ी समय से कर रहे थे। कार्यस्थल पर आपके कार्यों की तारीफ़ होगी और वरिष्ठ अधिकारियों का सहयोग प्राप्त होगा। नई नौकरी भी मिल सकती है, इसलिए प्रयास जारी रखें।
गुरु का वक्री आपके लिए मिला-जुला रहने वाला है। इस दौरान आपको सभी प्रकार के विवादों से बचना होगा और कार्यों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना होगा। नौकरी-पेशा लोगों को मनचाहा परिणाम संभवतः कम ही मिलेगा। इस समय किसी प्रकार का महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय न ही लें, तो आपके लिए बेहतर होगा। ख़ुशहाल जीवने के लिए अपने वादों से न मुकरें। कुल मिलाकर यह वक्री आपके औसत ही रहने वाला है।
गुरु का वक्री आपकी कुंडली