Surya is lord of the Moon sign Leo, and Cancer is ruled by Moon. This makes a person born during Sun in Cancer much sensitive. If you have not made much progress in your pursuit till now, you are in for getting a reward for efforts put up by you . This is also time for consolidation and prepares for higher growth in future. However, here period does not support of starting a new venture. This is a good time to buy property, new vehicle. You can get carried away by emotions. Sun is to traverse along with debilitated and combust Mars and for some time Mercury. On account of this, you may get temperamental at times. It is because you may feel kind of insecure and can have kind of casual approach. The need here is to remain level headed and remain grounded. You need to remain concerned about your health generally . Sun takes care of eyes , calcium , vitamin D , muscles , heart related ailments , in our body. A strong Sun in one’s birth chart indicates glory and recognition. Your fame would travel ahead of your name. The person would exhibit leadership qualities and a strong attitude.
Bad Surya makes one egoistic and arrogant in life. Ambitious and ruthless, the person would possess all the qualities fit to be a ( bad ) ruler or an authoritarian. Strong Sun in birth chart blesses the native with a Famous hardworking ruler , sturdy health and well being of self and Father as well. A weak Sun would make you fall sick frequently. Your aim would become hazy and you’ll have issues in managing and executing stuff. Due to low vitality and life force, you’ll be restless and will lead a chaotic life. BP , Cardiac diseases will affect your immunity and eye related issues will bother you. Banters with father or father-like figures’ will be a daily affair.The sole aim of Surya is to strive for attaining a higher form of enlightenment in life, and throughout our life it guides us towards that path.
On July 16th, 2017 , the sign Cancer / Kark , would welcome the planet Sun at 16:38 (Sunday). This is called Kark Sakranti . every month change of Sun in next moon sign is called Sakranti . Makar sakranti ( Sun in Capricorn , Agni Tatwa Pradhan ) , And Kark Sakranti are main two Sakrantis , also because change of season starts from these times . Makar Sakranti in January marks onset of Warm times , Surya Utrayan , and Kark Sakranti (Surya in Kark Rashi , Jal Tatwa Pradhan ), indicates Cool times ahead , Surya Dakshinatyan .On both Sakrantis One must do Daan , Dhyan , Puja Upasana , during coming times , tamsik pravirti increases , depression , alas , increases. Do not decrease intake of water during coming sevenmonths.www.
The planet would remain in Kark / Cancer till 17th August, 2017 1 Am (Thursday) . Surya will meet Mars and Mercury planets , present already in Cancer.
This transit would affect our lives ( specially people with Bad Sun in birth charts must take care ) , Political Uthal Puthal would increase , Accidents all types may occur , Terrorist activities ,Floods ,Landslides , Earthquakes possible , in Our Bharat and Globally , common mans problems may increase , may be due to Certain Government policies as the planet would imbue something on us and take back something from us, but what ?Find out by reading this post.
Surya would move into the 4th house from your moon sign. The fourth house is about happiness, residence, mother, and vehicle. It is also about saving money. Sun is in charge of the fifth house of your sign. This indicates that you may benefit from the ancestral property. On the work front, you are not likely to make much progress. Things may not move as anticipated by you. Do not take undue risk to push ahead of your prospects here. You need to have kind of philosophical approach here. It is likely to benefit from connections abroad. However, do not raise your hopes too high for now. Have a committed approach to work for achieving desired results. Ruler of your sign Mars is combust here. This does not augur well for smooth running of things. So do not rush things and take action after due deliberation only.This may affect your domestic life, and cause tension and chaos in it. Parents’ health will dwindle in this duration, so make sure that they take proper rest and follow a balanced diet. You would try your hand at controlling eac and everyone at home, so that you could rule them all. This would become a major reason for the conflicts at home. Your spouse will gain authority at work, due to all the hard work that they’ve put in. Work wise, you would perform exceptionally well and woo everyone around you. Lack of mental peace will keep you on your toes. Benefits from government sectors is possible.
General Remedy: Recite or listen to Shri Harivansh Puran. Take care of health.
Planet Sun would move into the 3rd house from your moon sign, signifying an increase in your determination and courage. You’ll act out of valor and strength. This seems the good time to expand your social circle. However, you need to be cautious about relationships. Your younger sibling is to need your support, guidance to make progress in life. You may need to provide financial assistance for your sibling. If you incline to own a place for living, here seems the good time to finalize a deal suitable to you. Besides this, saving more money is likely to be your concern. A short term travel by business person and professional is to prove fruitful. However, you need plan things well in advance to get the desired level. Remain careful about your luggage during travel. You need to take due care of health.You’ll be able to outshine your opponents in this period. Health of parents require your attention. Even a minor ailment gone without heed might come back to haunt you. Some minor issues to siblings are likely. You are to be their pillar of strength during this time. You’ll befriend eminent people of the society in this duration. This relationship that you forge with them will prove to beneficial to you in the later years. There might be a gain in reputation and glory of your spouse. Some of you might consider changing your work in this time period.Travel will give benefits.
General Remedy: Donate copper utensils to elderly Brahmins on Sunday.
The planet of luminescence will transit in the 2nd house from your moon sign. Sun along with debilitated and combust Mars and Mercury moves through the second house for your sign. The second house is about finance and family among other things. The presence of Sun in the second house does not spell well for your financial health. Viewing this handle money matters much cautiously. Refrain from major financial involvement for now. Handle issue related to the family much tactfully and with due delicacy. Remain concerned about the welfare of sibling and family. There is a possibility of an increase in expenses related to the family. Health elder one in the family may need attention. In regard to health, trouble related to the eye is to need your prompt attention. This transit may increase the harshness in your speech. This could affect your partner’s sentiments. You’ll have to tone down your moodiness in this period. A discord amongst family members will keep you on your toes.Despite of all the troubles, you’ll be able to accumulate wealth in this period, which would be of greater importance in the long run. You would receive gains through government officials or government related authorities. Spouses’ health will require your keen attention. Pay heed to what they eat and in what quantity. Your potential will harbour benefits in this duration. Short distance journeys undertaken in this duration would prove to be fruitful. Take care of health , especially eyes , muscles , cervical arthritis , joint pain .www.vedicastrologysolutions.
General Remedy: Serve and respect your father and offer red flowers to God Surya.
During this transit, the planet Sun will be moving into your own sign. This would affect your behavioral pattern. Sun is to cross over the radical position of Moon here. You are likely to be beaming with confidence. However, do take care about sensibilities of near ones in the relationship and try to help his cause. Remain committed in the relationship for good. You may tend to be assertive in driving your point of view. However, do not go overboard and remain open minded about constructive suggestions from near ones. Refrain from taking undue risk to increase the inflow of money for you. You need to maintain status quo on the financial front. On the work front, you are to remain active. Your committed efforts are to now bear encouraging results. You need to refrain from temperamental tendency effectively here. This can harm your prospects.You might act impulsive and rash. Some ego clashes and harshness in your tone is probable. This will likely affect your relationship that you share with your spouse. Hence, you are advised to abstain from all arguments at all costs. Try to value their opinion and trust them with yours. Headache, fever, chest infection, and inflammation will affect your well being. You are advised to consume lots of liquids and drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Change in work / place possible , in positive ways for most of you .
General Remedy: Recite everyday , “Om Ghrini Suryaya Namaha”
Sun would be transiting into the 12th house from your moon sign. The 12th house is about expenses and loss. This indicates an increase in personal habitual expenses. You are to become kind of emotional about spending money. You are to spend money in the social circle to show your affluence. However, do not go overboard in spending money. You need to execute due discrimination in spending money for good. Remain concerned about saving money for future needs. Remain attentive to needs and aspirations of the sibling. Do not take undue risk to increase the inflow of money here. Handle money matters very much cautiously. Handle issue related to the family much tactfully and with due delicacy.Your health will suffer in this period. A steep low in your well being would affect your confidence as well. A trip overseas is on the cards for you in this Sun Transit. You might consider going away from your residence for a short while as well. At work, you’ll be able to work it off with determination and hard work, and will succeed in achieving your goals. An increase in expenditure would hamper your savings and investment plans, so make sure that you don’t go overboard while spending money. Eye related ailments are probable.
General Remedy: Wear BelMool around your arm on Sunday. Take care of health.
Planet Sun would transit in the 11th house from your moon sign. This is not a happy proposition in a way.You may miss some good opportunity to benefit monetarily. At times you may run short of money to meet emergency expenses. You need to keep enough provision for contingency while planning finance. You need to raise your level of compatibility to maintain peace and harmony in the relationship. Do not hold grudge against a person who differs with you. Keep an effective check on unwarranted expenses. You are to remain comfortable in confirmed relationship. Parent of school going child is to remain concerned about the academic progress of kid. Newlyweds or otherwise couple eager to have a child can hope for a successful conception here. People with a good Surya in birth chart , indicates gains through foreigners, foreign companies, or relationships with companies based abroad. Your determination will be on an all time high. Seniors will be kind enough to extend their favours to you. However, you are advised to stay wary of having any arguments with them. Some harshness in love matters can be foreseen. You would although have a good time, outshining your opponents.Travel will give benefits.
General Remedy: Donate red cloth on Sunday , to needy.www.
The planet Sun would transit in the 10th house from your moon sign.This indicates busier time for you on th