Bhaiyaji gives us March 2016 horoscope general predictions.  Students have board exams, some are going to join first job, singles might be planning to tie knot, and many such different things for different people The horoscope reading for your moon sign has got some remedies as well which will be helpful for you to make your life better.


Refrain from making investments in risky tasks. Going against the legal ways to make money might also cause losses. Safeguard yourself from such situations by staying away from share market. Acting overconfident and overly enthusiastic will invite situations of argument in professional life. Distance yourself from risks for the stability of your finances. Arians looking for job change can let it happen by putting in serious efforts. Your anger and mood swings might worsen the situation. Mental stress will rise more due to your children. Journeys will lead to feeling of tiredness making you dull. Friendship with someone close to you might turn into love in the beginning of this month. For those who are already in a relationship, March is fabulous. This month will attract you toward people of opposite gender.
Chant Shani Stotra and light mustard oil diya under Peepal tree on Amavasya.
Rating: 3/5


Tasks such as financial planning, savings and management has to be done very carefully. Ups & downs in domestic life are foreseen. Reason behind will be positioning of Mars and Saturn together in seventh house. This will bring problems in conjugal life as well. You have to be patient and calm, as time is unfavourable for you. Things will get back to normal with time. Best thing about this month is continuous support of luck. However, results as per your abilities are uncertain due to influence of Rahu and Jupiter. Image might get a bit affected in business as time is not with you. Your efforts might go unnoticed. You might feel lack of experience and knowledge in many aspects of business. However, things will improve, thanks to the support provided by seniors and juniors. You might turn pessimistic which will lower your chances of success.
Feed birds with millets regularly.
Rating: 3/5


This will lead to possibilities of skin disorders and fever. Be careful, as injuries are possible. This month is not fortunate for health.This might bring back any old disease. Health complications are possible to father or elder persons of family. You will turn optimistic. Being careful while travelling will save you from injuries. Financial aspect is very strong this month. Businessmen can expect great rewards in this phase. Increase in number of enemies is foreseen. However, your courageous attitude will demolish them all. Jupiter is influencing your ninth and eleventh house from third house. This in turn is boosting your luck and income. You will easily get loan from bank. You will put your best foot forward to increase gains from wealth. Jupiter, tenth house lord, is strengthening your financial activities.
To keep your health stable, donate things related to Mars.
Rating: 3.5/5


Time is not appropriate for financial issues. You should stay careful this month. Make firm efforts to complete all your pending tasks during this period. You might get success in making balance between your profits and expenditures this month. However, you might get tensed due to your expenses and weak financial situations during the middle of this month. Time is not favorable for investing money in stock market. Do not get tensed due to weak financial conditions. You must not get arrogant regarding your abilities and knowledge. Do not blame yourself responsible for failures in your business. Learning lessons from your defeats is more important. You might get interested in administrative work during this period. It is recommendable that you must give your planning and calculation work to someone else.
Keep Mahamrityunjaya Yantra in puja ghar of your house.
Rating: 4/5


Some auspicious Yoga of money allocation are also there for long term usage. It might become difficult for you to meet the increased expenses. You might not be able to fulfil some of your obligations, due to which some of your assurances might not be able to complete on time. Your fame might decrease in the month of March. Hurdles might come in your business. Support of luck is foreseen in the last phase of the month. This time you will be able to easily convince others. You might also use your personal relations to do your works. References might also help you this time. This month is favorable as far as your income is concerned. You might get the opportunity to come in contact with influential people, whose support will do good for your career. Support of your subordinates might decrease during the month end.
Wear Manikya in gold/peetal  ring in Kanishka Tarjani (finger) either on Sunday or on Monday.
Rating: 4/5


This might prevent you from taking a sound sleep. You might also experience some troubles in your married life. This month might bring some ups and downs in your family life. Keeping trust and affection with your family will help you in maintaining sweetness in your relations. It might be better to solve your family matters at home. Stay away from any legal or illegal activities. Your love life is going to blossom this month. You might make new friends also. Spending time with your friends might make you cheerful. If you want to change your love relations into marriage, wait till August. Till that time you might have to stay calm and patient. Health of your mother might bother you this month. Wealth might be the cause of dispute. Time is favorable for working on new projects.
Recite Surya mantra to get Shayan Sukh or waving off sleeplessness.
Rating: 2.5/5


March will come with mixed outcomes for you. Excess of mental pressures might create stress on you. You might get irritated easily this month. This might make your colleagues angry. You must tell no lie, as there is no shortcut to success. It will be better if you try to improve your work. Sources for your income might also increase this month. Try to put more efforts in your work to get more outcomes. Success is assured for you. Your responsibilities might also increase. You might have to suffer from some mental pressures. Do not turn your back toward your responsibilities. Time is favorable for making love after the middle of this month. Students will get success in their studies according to their efforts. Your income may also increase this month. Little more efforts will give you benefits this month. Your seniors might remain happy from you.
Sthapit Durghatna Nashak Yantra in your vehicle in order to prevent any accidents.
Rating: 3/5


You might perform good in the field related to hardwares and softwares. You may remain busy in your friends during the entire month. Your expenses on friends might also increase. Try to control your expenses. Take utmost care of her health. Stay cautious of your enemies, they may try to harm you. Time is not favorable to start any new work. Health of any of your family member might be the reason for your stress. Time may not be too promising for love birds. You will emerge as a winner in all the competitions. All of your opponents will stay behind you. You must maintain a calm and compost attitude in order to maintain love in your family. Good profits are predicted for businessmen during the later part of this month. Responsibilities and authorities at your workfront might also increase during this period. You must take every step carefully during this month.
Start worshiping Lord Shani and wear ring made from horse’s shoe or boat’s nail.
Rating: 3.5/5


This phase is not favorable for those who are planning to change their current jobs. Pending tasks need to be accomplished this month. To fetch auspiciousness of this month, try to bring balance between your professional and personal goals. Though expenses look controlled, make sure not to spend money on useless things. Your children might not take their studies seriously. You will spend quality time in religious deeds. Time is good for those who are preparing for competitive exams. Stay away from stock market; however, you might spend money in purchasing gold. Administrative works will keep you occupied. Siblings and friends will stand by you in every thick & thin. Your sincere efforts will bring back the sweetness in your family. Your managerial skills will improve this month. Avoid journeys as far as possible.
Get up early morning and offer water to Lord Sun regularly.
Rating: 3/5


A month coupled with mixed results is what you can expect March to be. Workload will increase and so will your responsibilities. Your seniors might point out you for your carelessness. It is suggested to carefully analyze your performance and improve quality of your work. You might get more than one source to earn. The more you work hard, the more benefits you will get. Instead of running away from your responsibilities, look for ways to fulfill them. Love birds will enjoy romance in later half of the month. Students preparing for competitive exams or planning for higher studies will get support of luck. Natives searching new job might get success and get it. Surprises are possible to amaze you, get ready to enjoy. Businessmen will plan to collaborate with others for the welfare of their business life. Avoid going on useless journeys and save your time & money.
Offer water to Lord Sun and drive carefully.
Rating: 3.5/5


March looks fine regarding your health. Aquarians engaged in technical stream will enjoy success and recognition at workfront. Most of you will spend maximum time in company of friends and will spend money on them. However, it would be good to save as much as you can. Some health issues are possible so be careful. Keep an eye on your enemies, as they might plan strategies against you. Some stress might strike your mind continuously during the month end. Keeping calm and handling the situation with confidence will help you emerge as winner. Love birds will have an average time throughout March. Do not exchange money with anybody. Businessmen might face tough situations in the later part of this month. Control on temper will keep familial atmosphere healthy. You might get opportunities to lead a team for some really important project.
Worshiping Lord Shani will reduce your mental stress.
Rating: 3/5


March seems favorable regarding finances and funds. However, you might face difficulties in meeting up your expenses easily. Concentrating on workfront will become a bit difficult for you which will affect your performance. Try to solve such problems as soons as possible, else you will miss out some really great opportunities. Opponents will try to harm your image by talking behind your back. Though luck will support you, but you might feel disappointed at times. It would be good to get in contact with powerful personalities. Excessive workload might leave you restless and tensed. It is suggested not to trust anybody blindly. Business trips will bring great rewards for you. Family life will remain a blend of sweet & sour moments. Health might get affected; however, nothing major will affect you.
Worshiping Lord Ganesha will eliminate all the troubles from your life.
Rating: 3.5/5
 हरी ॐ
मार्च राशिफल 2016 आ गया है आपको बताने हर एक बात जिससे जुड़ी है आपकी ख़ुशी। पढ़िए अपनी चन्द्र राशि के अनुसार मार्च के महीने में होने वाली हर एक बात। यह ज्योतिषफल हमारे भैयाजी द्वारा  लिखा गया।


इस माह धन कमाने के ग़लत रास्तों का चुनाव करना आपके लिए कष्टकारी हो सकता है। अति-उत्साहित होने से बचें और जोश में आकर किसी काम को न करें। स्वास्थ्य समान रहेगा। इस महीने में शेयर बाज़ार से दूर रहना हितकर होगा। वित्तीय स्थिति को लेकर किसी प्रकार का ज़ोख़िम लेने से बचें। क्रोध के कारण बना-बनाया काम भी बिगड़ सकता है, इसलिए इसका परित्याग करें। अत्यधिक प्रयास से नई नौकरी मिल सकती है। संतान को लेकर तनाव हो सकता है। साथ ही अधिक यात्रा करने से भी थकान महसूस हो सकता है। इस माह में पुरानी मित्रता प्यार में बदल सकती है। विपरित लिंग के प्रति आपका रुझान बढ़ेगा। ज़्यादा साहस और पराक्रम दिखाने का प्रयास न करें, अन्यथा लाभ के बदले हानि भी हो सकती है।
शनि के प्रभाव से बचने के लिए शनि स्त्रोत का पाठ करें। अमावस्या के दिन पीपल के पेड़ के नीचे सरसों के तेल का दीपक जलाएँ। विद्यार्धियों को नियमित रूप से सरस्वती वंदना करना चाहिए। स्मरण शक्ति के लिए आठ मुखी रुद्राक्ष धारण करें। सौभाग्य में वृद्धि के लिए चीटियों को आटा या सत्तू खिलाएँ।
