Shukra is the 6th Graha in Grahamandalam. He is named as Bagavan as he is a son of Piragu Saint, who is a manas putra of Brahma Deva. He is also called as Kavi.

Shukra  is an outstanding Shiva Devotee. With the blessings of Shiva, he had learnt the Mantra’s named Amirthasanjeevini to give life to the dead persons.  He will be in a Garuda vahana at Ayingonamandalam with Venpattadai and will be seated in a Venthamarai. Mudalaivahana is also there. As he is guru of Asura, he is often called as Shukracharya.In graham mandala, in the east of sun, he shows his Thirumugam towards east. In Suriyamandalam, in the north of sun, he shows his Thirumugam towards north. Shukra mahadasha is for 20 years. He will attain uchch in Meen rashi and will attain Neech in Kanya rashi. He will stay at least one month in a sign in gochar.

For Shukra, Mithra planets  – Mercury, Saturn, and Sathru  – Sun, Moon, Sam / neutral with  – Venus, Jupiter,  daan Grain – Vall beans, Samiththu – Figs, High Angel – Indirani, Prathiyathi, Angel – Indira.

In Kundali, he will give comfort to 1, 2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12 and discomfort in 6,7,10. Shukra  is a kalathirakaragan. He will give comfort to all. He is the one who help in getting job opportunity, doing business, marriage, vehicle, perfumes, Grammar and for writing poems.

Shukra makes  people to get relieved from delayed marriages, Couple disharmony, Loss in Industry, Vehicle and Business, including Brain and Eye related problems. In this temple, Lord Shiva who made the Deva’s to get rid from Shukra Dosha has Thani Sannathi along with Maa Paarvathi to the south of  Shivji Agneeshwara Sannathi. He is praised as “ImavaanthanPethaiyoduinithirunthaperumaan” by Thirunavukarasar. The people, who worship him will get relief  from shukkra dosha and will get wealth and prosperous life.

Shukracharya is considered as the guru of Asura’s. Astrologically the planet Shukra (Venus) is responsible for providing all comforts in one’s life if in alignment. Shukra (Venus) is considered a benefic and is the rashi lord of Vrishabha (Taurus) and Tula (Libra). It is exalted in Meena (Pisces), and is debilitated in Kanya (Virgo). The planets Mercury and Saturn are considered friendly to Shukra, the Sun and Moon are unfriendly and neutral to others. Shukra represents love, romance and sexuality, artistic talents, the quality of the body and material life, wealth, the opposite sex, pleasure and reproduction, feminine qualities and the fine arts, such as music, dance, painting and sculpture. Those with Shukra strong in their charts are likely to appreciate nature and enjoy harmonious relationship. Shukra is the lord of three nakshatras or lunar mansions: Bharani, Purva Phalguni and Purva shadha. Shukra color is white, metal is silver and gemstone is diamond , opal , zircon . His direction is south-east, season is spring, element is water food is rice, curd and makhana.

Problems Due to Malefic Shukra(venus) Graha

People afflicted by malefic venus graha are stricken with:

  • stones in bladder
  • eye afflictions
  • diseases of ovaries, menstrual troubles, abortions etc
  • weakness of sexual organs, exudation of semen
  • business failure, huge loss in business
  • poverty and debt
  • disharmony in family life
  • disturbed marriage life, divorce
  • defame through sex scandals
  • loss of wealth and vehicle

Shukra Graha General Remedies For All:

The following are the best shukra graha remedies apart from general remedies according to Bhaiyaji:

  • Shukra graha shanti puja
  • Powerised Siddha yantra puja of shukra graha
  • Powerised Suraksha kavach dharanam of shukra graha
  • Powerised herbs poojan of shukra graha
  • Powerised spiritual art of shukra graha is to be kept

Shukra Graha Shanti  Positive Tantrik Puja

Shukra graha shanti puja is suggested and conducted by Bhaiyaji to reduce the malefic effects of shukra and enhance the benefits of the shukra graha. Its pooja is done to act as a shield to malefic effects of shukra. Pooja of this is believed to bless all for instance Shukra gives Grha yoga (buying of a House), vahana yoga (Vehicle for the native), kalyana yoga (Marriage, Auspicious events, ceremonies) etc. Shukra grants good health and immense wealth to his devotees. The people who come under the influence of venus can achieve great heights, most of them in wealth and prosperity.

Positive Tantrokt  Venus Graha Puja Benefits

Positive Tantrik Venus(Shukra) graha shanti puja is very effective in the following:

  • For attainment of financial prosperity and stability
  • To promote/improve and accerlerate business matters
  • abundance of worldly wealth
  • To enhance love and bliss
  • To promote regular sexual life
  • To promote healthy family relations
  • For overall materialistic development
  • To minimize the malefic effect of afflicted venus

Venus Graha Puja and Daan Astrological Importance

Venus or shukra puja has great astrological importance according to us. Persons going through the main and sub period of malefic or retrograde venus( shukra) mahadasha and antardasha are suggested to conduct the shukra puja and daan so that quantum of suffering is reduced. Persons having Daridra yoga & Napunsak Dosha in their horoscope get help by doing this puja.

Individuals facing lots of hardships due to malefic or retrograde venus should go for Dus Mahavidya Ma Kamala puja .

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is getting combust in Aries today i.e. April 30, 2016 till 13 th. July 2016. This movement will definitely make some changes in your life.
Bhaiyaji tells us  about these general changes below , Moon Sign wise


Arians, this Venus combust in Aries will provide office goers with great opportunities. Businessmen will also receive good source of income. On the contrary, your financial as well as familial life might face unfavorable changes. The message for you this week is – ‘’While making a tough decision, don’t just think once; rather think twice”. Moreover, your health will be normal. However, hard work might stress you. Thus, make your health a top priority. This time period is very auspicious for love relations. So, make the best use out of it and confess your love.


During Venus combust in Aries, Taureans who are involved in business may have to go on long halted journeys. It will prove to be a beneficial trip for you all. On the other hand, if businessmen start some new business related to mechanics, fire, or electricity, it will be flourished. In this period of time, your health might suffer. Furthermore, married life will be blissful and romantic moments will be cherished. Additionally, you will be enjoying your sensuous life. Lastly, there are chances that you might fall in true love.


Working Geminis , you must get ready to achieve new heights on the basis of your true spirit and hard work. Businessmen, you are required to think twice before you get involved into trade business. Furthermore, be careful as someone might not stay very loyal with you in this duration. However, you will enjoy a good health. You might have to face some unfavorable circumstances in the family, so maintain harmony. Love affairs in your life during this period will be super-duper awesome. Many great chances will be received to go on journeys with the lover.


Cancerians, there is a good news for office goers! An increase in income and success will be received. Likewise, an appreciation from seniors will also be achieved. Students who are giving exams for government related jobs will receive good results. Folks who are involved in business, a grand success is expected. Business trips are also on the way! Time is also auspicious to commence new business. Moreover, your family life will keep going on smooth. Parents’ health might put you in tension. Lastly, your soulmate will prove to be a great support, whereas love might have to go through a test.


Lions, the time period during Venus combust in Aries is an auspicious time for the career perspective. Folks who are working, success might come with a little delay. The predictions suggest you to be careful and stay away from disputes with seniors. However, businessmen will enjoy good time. More profits will enter in your life, if your work is related to the property. Married couples, maintain a good bond with each other. Your health will be normal, but keep a focus on your parents’ health. Sensuous life should be taken special care of. Thereby, delay your plans of confessing your love out.


Virgonians, during this phase, clear your perception regarding your career. Folks, avoid Monday morning blues to maintain good relations with your colleagues. Businessmen, think twice before investing. Business trips will be flourished. Married couples must try to understand each other’s emotional feelings. Health is important and this fact can’t be replaced with anything. So, take special care. Lastly, take some time out for love and impress your partner by giving gifts.


Librans, time period during Venus combust in Aries is very auspicious like a surprise box waiting for you; especially for office goers. Folks who are involved in business of property dealing or iron industry will get fruitful results. In addition, you are required to maintain harmonic relation with family members. Also, avoid getting into any argument with spouse. Most significantly, focus on your health, as there are chances to get sick. Doing exercise and Yoga will help you in fetching good health. Lastly, bachelors may get marriage proposals.


Scorpions, now there are great chances for promotion. But, an extra attention is required at the workplace as someone might stop your success. During Venus combust in Aries, avoid investing on large scale projects in business. Unfortunately, your professional life might observe stressful situations at times, also your married life might face some unfavorable conditions. So, be careful about this and your spouse’s health. On the other hand, your health will be normal filled with energy. Furthermore, personal desires might create differences in life. So, avoid being suspicious during Venus combust in Aries.


Sagittarians, who are working will put a lot of efforts. However, the results later might not be much satisfying. On the other hand, work related to paper, cosmetics, or art will prove to be beneficial for you. Students, you might get a chance to travel abroad for studies. During Venus combust in Aries, you will enjoy family bliss. Additionally, you may travel with your sweetheart. Do not show careless attitude toward your health, as you might suffer food poisoning. Moreover, couples will cherish some personal time. You may expect a gift from your special one.


Capricorns, great scope of improvement is needed in the job. Thus, taking it as a challenge will help you to receive good outcomes. Businessmen, who are involved in property and water related work will receive a great success. On the contrary, students might have to face little difficulties; whereas, family happiness will be received. Trips related to work or a trip with soulmate might get planned. Venus combust in Aries will provide great health, and personal desires will be fulfilled with the time. Lastly, many lovable and playful moments with soulmate will be observed.


During Venus combust in Aries, working life of Aquarians will be marvelous. If your promotion is pending, this is the time it will strike on. Businessmen will face big challenges, which will create great opportunities. Students, who are pursuing their further studies, might travel abroad. Married life might face unfriendly circumstances. Your partner’s health might put you in a bit of stress. Thus, be careful. Health ratings at this time are good, so maintain this graph and eat healthy. Furthermore, love will bloom.


Pisceans, you may go on trips related to work. The Venus combust in Aries is making bright chances in your professional life. If you got transferred to another place, accept it. Taking this chance will prove to be beneficial for you. Folks involved in export business will receive tremendous success. Also, in this time period students will get good scores. Family life might put you in a lot of thinking; whereas, you are required to take care of your partner’s need. During this time, it is important that you should take care of your health. Lastly, an old friendship might turn in a love relation.


हरी ॐ ,


नौकरीपेशा लोगों को कुछ नयी उपलब्धियाँ प्राप्त हो सकती हैं। बिज़नेस करने वालों को आय के नए स्रोत प्राप्त होंगे। धन व पारिवारिक जीवन को लेकर कुछ दिक्कतें रह सकती हैं। किसी भी बड़े निवेश से पहले अच्छी तरह सोच विचार कर लें। स्वास्थ्य का मामला बेहतर बना रहेगा। अत्यधिक परिश्रम के कारण मानसिक तनाव हो सकता है, इसलिए विश्राम भी करें। प्रेम संबंधों के लिए समय अनुकूल है; अगर किसी को प्रपोज़ करने की सोच रहे हैं तो गेंद पूरी तरह से आपके पाले में है।


वृष राशि के जातकों को नौकरी या व्यापार के चलते कोई लंबी यात्रा करनी पड़ सकती है। लेकिन यह यात्रा आपके लिए लाभदायक ही रहेगी। व्यापारी बंधुओं की किसी नए कार्य में शुरुआत करने की संभावना है। अगर यह काम मशीनरी, अग्नि या बिजली से संबंधित हो तो आपके लिए विशेष फ़ायदेमंद हो सकता है। स्वास्थ्य के लिए समय नाज़ुक रह सकता है। खाने-पीने में सतर्कता बरतें। वैवाहिक जीवन खुशहाल रहेगा व जीवनसाथी का भरपूर सहयोग मिलेगा। प्रेम प्रसंगों