The God of Karma and Justice, Lord Shani or Saturn will retrograde in Sagittarius on April 17, Wednesday at 07:10 AM in Sagittarius and will direct again in the same zodiac on September 6Thursday at 05:02 PM.

Generally the retrograde of Saturn is considered inauspicious, but it is not necessary that it always endows people with inauspicious results. It can also reflect beneficial effects on people.


Saturn Retrograde Dates

  • 6 April to 25 August 2017 – 27 to 21 Sagittarius
  • 17 April to 6 September 2018 – 9 to 2 Capricorn
  • 30 April to 18 September 2019 – 20 to 13 Capricorn

Saturn Retrograde 2018 starts on April 17 at 9° Capricorn and ends on September 6 at 2° Capricorn. 
Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma. Karma is a form of energy that is very real. Like Saturn, it is very closely bound to time.

Past, present, and future blur into one. If you have been bad in the past, then at a certain predestined time, an event will occur to teach you a lesson. If you have been good in the past, then at a predestined time, an event will occur to reward you for your good deeds. With Saturn in retrograde motion, the karma will relate to how responsible you have been in the past.

The lessons associated with Saturn retrograde 2018 relate to your thoughts and words. Saturn retrograde 2018 will be especially challenging if you have a history of teasing or verbally abusing people. Gloomy thoughts, bad news or loneliness could have a negative effect on your mental well-being.

Saturn direct 2018 can be used to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. This could be a major positive transformation in your life. Before we go into more detail about Saturn retrograde 2018, we will talk about Saturn retrograde in the natal chart and then the general meaning of Saturn retrograde in transit.
Shani or Saturn is the God of justice and decides the fate of people. Being the significator of deeds (Karma) and action according to Vedic Astrology, it affects a person’s job or business , relationships and health immensely. 

This year as well its retrograde motion will influence the job and business of people. Lord Shani will retrograde on April 17, Wednesday at 07:10 AM in Sagittarius and will direct again in the same zodiac on September 6Thursday at 05:02 PM. This retrograde period will be of 142 days. For every Zodiac sign, the Saturn retrograde brings different results, therefore it is not necessary that it always endows people with inauspicious results.

For any person the retrograde of this planet is inauspicious only when Lord Shani is reflecting malefic effects on the Kundali and MahaDasha / Antardasha of the person, otherwise it is not that inauspicious. 

Saturn Retrograde Meaning

Saturn retrograde in your natal chart means there was a problem with self-discipline or avoiding responsibility in a former life. Due to illness, immaturity or disrespect, you may have neglected looking after your loved ones. Perhaps you failed to earn a living to support your parents, or ran out on your partner and children. There will be some lessons or extra effort required in this life to pay back this karmic debt. You must learn the lessons so you don’t have to go through this difficult cycle again.

Saturn retrograde by position and aspect shows the areas of life, or the personality traits and behaviors, which specifically need extra development. The greatest Saturn nature is disciplined, responsible, stable, respectful and reliable. A healthy Saturn is hard-working and dedicated. The aim is to be physically and emotionally strong enough to endure the hardships of life, to take responsibility for yourself and your family. Actually, retrograde planets are never traveling backwards, the backward movement may be termed as optical illusion. Planets only have the appearance of moving backwards from our position here on Earth. It often gives unexpected results, may it be positive or negative. Since Saturn is a tough taskmaster, a teacher, a judge, we have to face many challenges while Saturn moving retrograde. We need to learn the karmic Lessons attached with it in the current scenario. If Saturn is posited malefic in your birth chart, it may confer some positive possibilities in retrograde motion.

Saturn retrograde in your chart could show as sadness, depression, loneliness, tiredness or lack of motivation. Disrespect of parents and authority figures may be holding you back. Whatever is stunting your productivity is what Saturn retrograde focuses on. This could well have been an ongoing problem hindering success over many incarnations. Events or relationships will keep reinforcing the problem area in this life, especially during Saturn retrograde phases, until you master it.

Saturn retrograde in transit is a regular cycle occurring just over every twelve months, lasting about 4½ months, and spanning 6 or 7 degrees of the zodiac. Transiting Saturn retrograde is a time of limitation, restriction, anxiety and fear. During the previous months since Saturn entered the retrograde zone, you will have dealt with particular issues involving your duties and responsibilities as they relate to your dependents and career.

Saturn retrograde means that whatever area of responsibility you have developed is so important, extra time is needed to take stock and make sure everything is in order before you continue. You may be tested to make sure you are ready to take on the extra responsibility. The lessons you learn might be hard but they will be valuable.

On the other hand, it could be that a negative Saturn behavior such as sadness or shyness has gotten out of control. In this case, the Saturn retrograde months will offer a chance to recognize and admit the problem. Things may get so out of control that an intervention or some drastic event must occur to shake you out of your depression or isolation.

By the time Saturn stations direct, you should have come to terms with the relevant issues and be ready for the next phase. Focus and motivation leads to productiveness, achievement and recognition.


Saturn Retrograde 2018

Saturn stations retrograde on Tuesday April 17, 2018 at 09°08′ Capricorn. From now until Saturn direct on September 6 is the phase where you learn your lessons. There is only one major aspect involving Saturn stationary retrograde. Mercury square Saturn may not be especially strong with a 4 degree orb. But Saturn stationary retrograde conjunct an intense fixed star makes this a very significant influence.

Fixed star Facies at 08°33′ Capricorn has an intensifying influence on Saturn retrograde. Facies makes you more focused and driven, for better or worse. Combined with Mercury square Saturn, this could become a bigger problem if you are prone to negative thinking. Thinking bad things about others could easily turn to victimization. Taken to the extreme by a ruthless leader, persecution on a large-scale is possible.

Saturn Retrograde 2018 lessons involve your thoughts and words. Communicating your plans and ideas will be difficult because of negative thinking and misunderstandings. Lack of patience and concentration means it is easy to become distracted. Do not rely on the words of others, and be careful with your own.

When negotiating, doing business, studying or making decisions, it is critically important that you pay attention to detail. While Saturn is stationary retrograde in particular (April 13 to 21), it would be wiser to avoid important negotiations. If you cannot avoid contract, business or legal matters it would be very helpful if you sought trusted or professional advice.

One needs to understand the energy level of retrograde Saturn and efforts should be made to make it harmonious. Your consciousness and relationship might face a challenging phase due to astral blockage in various body parts. It might create disconnection and imbalances resulting into loosening the control over senses. Introspection is desirable and you should start an inward journey. During your inward journey, you would have an opportunity to review your ‘inner self’. It might prove therapeutically a tool to detoxify your inner emotions. You express through ego, but in reality ego is a belief, not your real-self. Saturn will guide to feel differently, things won’t bother you much, if you are ready to obey Saturn’s principle. It will give you the strength to tackle unexpected delays, interruptions and hurdles. This is the only planet which does show negativity when it goes retrograde in a horoscope, even if it is otherwise positive in a horoscope. 

Rest assured, all challenges posed due to retrograde motion of Saturn, simultaneously give you wonderful opportunities for growth. It would offer you an opportunity of healing, discarding old energies, and change of perception from confusion to clarity, importance of getting centered and focused, minimizing your needs and transition in aware state. Of course, chaos would be created, but you have to pass it slowly with full awareness. Saturn is a wise old sage and the dispenser of justice, so pragmatic approach will always be a boon.

With patience, accept your limitations and take things accordingly, if needed slow down your speed. Take this as an opportune time to do some deep soul searching, assess your failures, learn from mistakes and apply your wisdom and understanding to act faster once Saturn moves direct.

Saturn retrograde 2018 will be especially challenging if you have a history of teasing or verbally abusing people. Gloomy thoughts, bad news or loneliness could have a negative effect on your mental well-being. You may experience some distance or separation in close relationships. If so, it would be the karmic result of using your thoughts and words to make another person feel bad about their self.

The minor aspects from Moon and Venus to Saturn retrograde are called sesqui-squares (135°). These challenging aspects represent a breakup in existing conditions. This reinforces the link between verbal or psychological abuse and a relationship separation. A breakup because of nasty words or a breakdown in communication would be a wake up call to change your way of thinking.

Gloomy thoughts, bad news or loneliness are possible even if you have been perfectly nice to all you meet. If you are prone to low moods or depression, Saturn retrograde 2018 may intensify your negative thinking. You may find it harder to get bad thoughts out of your head. However, fixed star Facies will also help you better understand why you tend to dwell on the negative side of things.

Saturn retrograde 2018 will help you recognize your own depressive moods and negative thought patterns. This is a great opportunity to erase any negative and destructive ideas about yourself and your life that have played over and over in your brain for years. Once Saturn turns direct you can start taping over the old words with positive new ones.


Saturn Direct 2018

Saturn stations direct on Thursday September 6, 2018 at 02°32′ Capricorn. In this direct phase you put into practice what you have learned. The outlook is much brighter and suggests that the Saturn retrograde lessons have been well learned. There are only positive aspects to Saturn stationary direct and the fixed star involved is also more positive than before.

Fixed star Polis at 03°28′ Capricorn gives success, ambition, truthfulness and domination. It also gives a keen perceptions and profound spiritual understanding. With Saturn in particular this star gives a very strong work ethic.

Saturn retrograde will lead to a lot of changes in laws , political sphere ,weather , market , people’s aggression , accidents , fire and earthquakes – globally and in our country. Lot of ups and downs time ahead, over all time to remain careful and cautious.

Now let us know the astrological influence of Saturn Vakri / Retrograde in Dhanu / Sagittarius on all Moon signs , generally .

Our motive is only to make you aware of planetary changes , and in no way make you afraid or put you in any sort of fear / illusions .


Saturn is the lord of Karma and Labh Bhava (income/gain house) for Aries. Therefore, with this retrograde, the natives of this Moon sign ,  will have to work hard to gain success in job or business. You will have to give your full dedication in workplace as well for reaping good rewards. Retrograde transit of Saturn will be in your ninth house.  You may be involved in various religious activities. Legal matters might be an irritating issue. In court cases, you might have to face a setback. After applying more labor and money in business, you might not be able to earn profit. There would be delay in all your ventures. Although you might get full support from your brothers and sisters, your burden will not be lightened. Money will be spent on undesirable things, so there will be crunch of cash (money).  Father or an elderly relative might get sick. Even diseases can afflict you also. Sources of income will be red