Know when is the best time for your baby to organize “Mundan Sanaskar” Ceremony in 2016. Get blessings by performing this most important ritual of Hinduism. Bhaiyaji gives us in easy the chart form , the best time to perform this very important and auspicious sanskar (out of solaha sanskar), in 2016.
In Hinduism, Mundan Sanskar also called “Uppanainanam” , is said to be one of the most important out of sixteen sanskars. It has got the eighth position amongst those sixteen Sanskars.
Chaul Mundan Ceremony, the alternative name for Mundan Ceremony is celebrated to shave a child’s head for the first time. In Tamil this sanskar is called “Motta addi karrdh” , in Sindhi its called “Janya ” .It grants child with eternal luck and prosperity.
Date | Tithi | Day | Special Comments |
21 Jan. | Paush Shukla 12 | Thursday | Mrigshira Conjoining In Trayodashi |
29 Jan. | Magh Krishna 5 | Friday | In Panchami |
3 Feb. | Magh Krishna 10 | Wednesday | Before Bhadra |
4 Feb. | Magh Krishna 11 | Thursday | In Jyestha |
10 Feb. | Magh Shukla 2 | Wednesday | In Satabhisha |
12 Feb. | Magh Shukla 4 | Friday | After Bhadra in Panchami |
17 Feb. | Magh Shukla 10 | Wednesday | After Vaidhriti Yoga In Mrigshira |
25 Feb. | Falguni Krishna 3 | Thursday | Before Bhadra In Hasta |
7 March | Falguni Krishna 13 | Monday | Before Bhadra In Trayodashi |
11 March | Falguni Shukla 3 | Friday | In Revati |
16 Nov. | Marg Krishna 2 | Wednesday | After Bhadra In Mrigshira |
18 Nov. | Marg Krishna 5 | Friday | In Panchami |
24 Nov. | Marg Krishna 11 | Thursday | In Hasta |
Know the best time to perform Mundan from above chart. Bhaiyaji advises/answers few general queries, as to where it should be celebrated and what procedure should be followed .
Where should Mundan Ceremony 2016 be celebrated?
- At home
- At temples
- Besides banks of any holy river like Ganga , Yamuna , Narmada …
What procedure should be followed during Mundan Ceremony 2016?
- Perform all the rituals in a correct manner.
- Invite the priest to perform Puja and Havan.
- Mother should make her child position in the way that it should be facing towards west direction.
- The priest or Father should shave the child’s head initially.
- The child’s head should be washed off with Gangajal.
- Later the shaven hairs are offered at any sacred place.
Family and friends have a great time cheering the little one while baby gets first hair cut done .
We hope this post will help many , since thru out year many mails come asking for these dates .